 Ashmolean Creatives group in Oxford - Where I took part in workshops with various professional practicing artists each month. There I expanded my artistic knowledge and skills through research and practice. 
 Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford - I worked in the Labelling Matters project + podcast: Being a part of a research based podcast was a fascinating experience; I got to talk with interesting people and learn about worldly objects and concepts. 
 British Film Institute: ‘Preparing to Work in The Film Industry’ - This was a fantastic experience where I got to work with other creatives to make a short film to a professional industry standard during the short course. In this project I had the roles and responsibilities of: a photography director, colourist, and camera operator. 
 A-Levels: Art, Photography, Classical civilisations, Philosophy. These subjects have created a bed of inspiration for my practice both practically and theoretically. 
 B.A.: “Fine Art: Studio, Site and Context” at UWTSD Swansea College of Art. Here I have continuously developed and pushed the boundaries of my practice and had hands on learning experiences within the international art community.
PERCEPTION - Group exhibition - Oxford Spires Academy art gallery, 26th of April 2021. 
PIANO - solo exhibition - Installation and Performance at Swansea College of Art, 29th of April 2022   
First year B.A. Fine Art - End of year show -group exhibition - Swansea College of Art, June 2022. 
How to Play the Piano - Solo exhibition – Installation for Swansea International Jazz Festival/Conference 2022: public piano project. 
Red of a Rose - Collaboration with Heidi Lucca-Redcliffe - Installation and Performance at Stiwdio Griffith,  Swansea College of Art, February 2023. 
Passing Rhythms - group exhibition – Raw Collective show at Swansea College of Art, 30th March 2023. 
Untitled -Group Exhibition -Words in Display at Swansea MAD, September 2023.​​​​​​​
Life Drawing Exhibiting - group show -at Elysium Gallery, Swansea, November 2023. 
Modus Operandi -group show – A collaborative show between photographers and artists at Stiwdio Griffith, Swansea College of Art, 9th of November 2023. + Fundraising closing event on the 23rd of November at Bunkhouse with live music and art sales. 
Swansea Arts Showcase - An invitation to Swansea-based artists to create an exhibition together at Volcano Theatre, Swansea, 19th of April 2024.
UNPEELED - Degree show -  Fine Art and Photography exhibition at Swansea College of Art , 17th of May 2024. 
UNPEELED - Group exhibition - Development of exhibition in a new site: Copeland Gallery, Peckham, London, 20th of June 2024. 

Photography has been an essential part of my life, and I bring my camera to interesting places... I gravitate towards nature but also to people; dancing, singing, energetic people in dark and bright places where the atmosphere is beautiful. 

Gallery work: 
Volunteer Gallery Assistant at Galerie Simpson Artists, Swansea- July 2023 to Present. Here my responsibilities include helping to instal and invigilate various exhibitions and events. This often also includes promoting events and shows on social media to encourage the public to visit. Part of working closely with an independent gallery is also working with the local community and promoting art education and engagement with the arts for everyone (including those who are often excluded from art events at large institutions). Being able to share artistic experiences and knowledge and making arts accessible to a wider public is a truly wonderful experience.     
Events work:
Venue Manager Assistant - HowTheLightGetsIn/Institute of Art and Ideas/TVF media - Hay-On-Wye - May 23rd to May 27th 2024 
This volunteering experience at the Festival gave me an insight into manager duties, helping me develop leadership and coordination skills which will help in future team work environments. This has also made me confident in my decision making since I have developed a great sense of responsibility and trust that I can handle difficult situations in busy, professional environments gracefully and not disturb any of the talks or performances .  
Overall ensuring that the events ran smoothly and keeping track of tasks that needed to be done each day. For example: making sure the venue is set up and ready for the speakers for their soundchecks , then ensuing that the stewards are ready to check wristbands and managing the crowds and queues,  as well being aware of the venue capacity and ensuring that the fire exists were clear. Staying tuned to the in-ear radio for any updates that are relevant was also a big part of the job since if the venue manager was not present I was ready to respond accordingly.
It was amazing to hold such an active role as a part of the festival, working and communicating with the other departments such as the production team, the stewards, the musicians and speakers as well as the film crew and the site team. This allowed to have a different perspective on this creative industry and gave me insight into all of those different aspects of a festival.
Event Steward- HowTheLightGetsIn Festival 2023 at  - Hay-On-Wye  - May 25th to May 29th 2023  
I volunteered to work in the festival as a Steward, where my main job was to be the face of the festival and help the visitors by giving directions and ensuring safety. I also worked with the site team and venue managers in order to keep the flow of the festival going, maintaining clean and safe venues, and directing the flow of people on site.  
The rotating system of placements across the festival meant that I got to learn a wide range of skills such as: directing traffic of people in the festival and of vehicles on the nearby roads to prevent crashes, and ensure a constant flow of traffic. Constantly checking wristbands and bags in the festival entrance, and assisting visitors and team members whenever needed with a positive and fun attitude. This was essential to add to the festival atmosphere which I believe should be integrated into other team-based jobs too because it makes everyone happy to be there!

Event Steward - Oxfam – Cheltenham - July 10th  to July 13th 2023
I volunteered with Oxfam as a steward during the 2000Trees Festival where I had an amazing time meeting the team and other people in a lively setting.  My role as a steward was varied but generally entailed being a friendly member of the crew greeting and directing people and vehicles the correct and safe way. Through this experience I got to deepen my insight into crowd management and health and safety in busy areas. Because it was a loud environment I also had to adapt and use non-verbal communication such as signalling with big gestures and movements as well as lights. Being alert and responsible was also vital to the role, in order to prevent car crashes and make sure pedestrians were safe.

Other work experiences:
Student Representative at University of Trinity Saint David - Swansea, Wales - September 2022 to 2023
As a student representative I have been tasked with communicating with students in my course and give them a voice at university meetings held every semester. As a part of this job, I get to express any concerns and celebrate achievements within the fine art department and share them with all the other courses, these meeting are also a great way to network with other people from all other university departments.  
This experience has given me great listening and understanding skills, making sure that any issues are communicated clearly between students and staff, and across departments, therefore ensuring that we come up with the best possible solutions by keeping an open mind and mediating a conversation, preventing any unnecessary arguments or complications. Being a Student Representative has also given me to opportunity to help at university events such as catering and invigilating for the exhibitions and helping students and members of the public whenever needed. This also entails keeping a positive and welcoming attitude and focusing on providing the best services possible.
Student Ambassador at University of Wales Trinity Saint David- Swansea, Wales - September, 2023 to present
As a Student Ambassador at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), I am a proactive representative and a proud advocate for the university.
My role involves engaging with prospective students and parents and sharing my personal experiences and the opportunities available at UWTSD through friendly conversation. I take part in various events such as open days, campus tours, and higher education fairs to promote the university and to support new students by answering their questions, helping them settle in, and guiding them through the university’s facilities and services. I also get to collaborate with the marketing and recruitment teams to create content for social media and other platforms that reflect the student life. Another key part of my role is providing feedback to the university staff about student needs and concerns, contributing to the continuous improvement of the student experience.

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