Switching to Softer Pianos, 2023. Wax casts from above and bellow piano keys and wooden piano keys.
string light wood shadow, 2023. Pinhole Camera Photographs on cardboard.
...from wood to wall..., 2023, photography and text Triptych.
Afterlife, 2023, Swansea College of Art Reading Room, fabric, books, bookshelves, piano, violins, table.
Afterlife: An experimental new life for discarded instruments, fabrics, books  
Performance instructions: 
                                                         Guided by awareness and spontaneous instincts 
       Awareness of the room, its content and context
                    Awareness of the objects, their material and context 
                            Awareness of the body interbeing with each moment  
  Feeling each and every Passing Rhythm  
                                 Search for the movement in the wood and its whispering
                                           Search for the movement in the interbeing 
                          Do not overthink and speak                                            
                                                       observe listen move  
For the audience: 
                            Observe listen and move  
                                         Free to enter and leave as you please  
                                                                   A chance encounter with the morphing
     within this reading room 
Silence, 2023, Film still from recorded performance.
Public Piano Installation for the Swansea International Jazz Festival, 2022.
Piano Close ups, 2023, photographs.
PIANO, 2022, first Installation and Performance in the Dynevor Building basement.
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